Benefits Of Mayan Abdominal Massage & Uterine Massage

Mayan abdominal massages are focused on the abdomen and pelvic area, activating energy flow and circulation to the organs below.  This specific type of massage also helps to reposition and realign the uterus and reproductive organs displaced by pregnancy, labor/delivery, or an accident. Even a history of running on pavement causes enough repeat impact to stretch/strain ligaments and reposition pelvic organs.

Mayan abdominal massages (or uterine massages) support patients with reproductive and fertility issues, as well as patients who have trouble with pelvic prolapse and digestive issues, or who experience chronic abdominal/pelvic discomfort due to organs that have shifted out of place.

Overview Of Mayan Abdominal Massage

Mayan abdominal massage is a non-invasive technique brought to the United States by Rosita Arvigo, DN, after apprenticing with a well-known shaman, Don Elijo Panti, in Belize. While apprenticing for the better part of a decade with Don Elijo Panti, Arvigo saw how certain uterine massage techniques helped rebalance women’s reproductive health, especially those whose pelvic organs were shifted out of place after an accident or pregnancy. She named the technique in honor of the region and culture that originally used it.

How Does Mayan Abdominal Massage Work?

The uterus and main female reproductive organs are held in place by ligaments. During the course of pregnancy, labor and delivery, or as the result of a traumatic injury (hard fall on the sacrum, car accident, or blunt force trauma to the abdomen, etc.), these ligaments can become stretched or strained. If organs shift out of their natural placement, they can pinch nerves, prevent lymphatic fluid from draining properly, and stagnate circulation and energy flow. 

Uterine massage techniques, like Mayan abdominal massage, gently work to soothe inflamed tissues and realign a malpositioned uterus and organs. The combination of massage and pelvic floor and core exercises can strengthen internal muscles and tissues, restoring pelvic health and correcting pelvic organ prolapse.

The techniques focus on the area of the abdomen (the soft tissues between the lower rib cage and pubic bone, as well as the lower back and sacrum. In many cases, masseuses may also massage other body parts (head, neck, shoulders, feet, etc.) to support the holistic movement of blood and energy flow. However, the pelvis and uterine cavity is the area of focus.

One of the best things about abdominal massages is that, like moxibustion, we can teach you techniques to use at home. This exponentially increases its benefits since you’ll be able to have massages more often. Combining abdominal massages in a clinic and DIY massage at home is a full-circle way to maximize the benefits of uterine massage.

Because the abdominal cavity is soft when relaxed, we use different massage techniques for this area than those used where muscle and connective tissues have the support of bones underneath. So, unlike traditional Swedish or deep tissue massage techniques, which can rely on significant pressure, abdominal massage is a gentler but equally beneficial healing technique.

In most cases, we incorporate abdominal massage into a longer healing session, such as an acupressure massage or acupuncture session. This would be discussed with a client ahead of time, and a portion of the acupressure massage session would include a concentrated abdominal massage.

Who Benefits From Abdominal Massages?

We typically recommend abdominal massages for:

Women with irregular or troublesome menstrual cycles

Many of the most common reasons for irregular periods, severe PMS, or other troublesome side effects related to menstruation affect the abdomen. For some, this might be discomfort or bloating; for others, it can be severe cramping, heavy blood flow, and may include digestive complaints. 

Studies (2005 & 2013) show that experienced abdominal massages notably relieve period pain and cramping. Additionally, the 2013 study showed that women who had at least 10 minutes of daily Mayan abdominal massage with specific essential oils had less pain, and more regular menstrual flow, and their PMS discomfort lasted for a shorter duration than those in the placebo group that only used almond oil.

When working with women experiencing menstrual irregularities, we use abdominal massage techniques, honoring traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) tenets. Massage strokes stimulate known meridian points and pathways in and around the abdomen. This stimulates movement in blocked areas and restores balance. Depending on the patient’s symptoms, we choose massage movements that ignite warmth in stagnant areas and invite cooling relief in overly active areas. 

Patients trying to conceive (TTC)

We also integrate abdominal massage for patients using acupuncture for fertility. Massaging the abdomen has several positive effects on reproductive organs, including:

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Breaking up existing scar tissue that affects ovulation, conception, or implantation

  • Nourishing organs and egg follicles with fresh blood flow (oxygenation)

  • Realigning and invigorating the uterus and surrounding organs

  • Moving blocked energy (especially helpful for patients who’ve experienced sexual trauma)

Mayan abdominal massage is also relaxing. So, its ability to reduce stress levels also supports fertility health.

Patients with symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse

The shifting of organs during pregnancy, along with the physical rigors of labor, often causes a condition called pelvic organ prolapse. This means some or most of the reproductive organs shift out of position and begin collapsing into the pelvic floor. 

Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) include things like:

  • Incontinence

  • Changes in bowel habits 

  • Irregular periods (spotting in between)

  • Unusual pelvic or lower back discomfort

  • A feeling of fullness or bulging in the lower pelvis (because the organs may be pressing into the cervix)

  • Pain or discomfort during sex

We recommend women receive uterine massages during:

  • The first trimester of pregnancy

  • After their six-week postpartum checkup (for vaginal delivery) or after three months (C-section)

  • If cancer is suspected or diagnosed in the pelvic area (including during cancer treatment)

  • During menstrual bleeding (for women with severe PMS or period discomfort)

The combination of Mayan abdominal massage techniques and pelvic floor exercises can dramatically reduce symptoms.

Patients with abdominal discomfort or digestive issues after pregnancy, birth, or abdominal/lower back trauma

Abdominal massages are particularly beneficial for anyone who has trouble with digestion or suffers from chronic discomfort. This includes benefitting those who suffer from:

  • Constipation. A study conducted in 2016 showed that those who had regular abdominal massages (including being trained to perform self-administered massages) had fewer incidences of constipation and more healthy bowel movements than the control group. They also reported improved quality of life.

  • Digestion issues. Researchers found that patients who have chronic digestive upset found relief from 15 minutes of abdominal massage twice per day for three days. In addition, they took images of stomach fluids and found a reduction in irritating stomach acids and bloating.

  • Bloating. Similarly, daily abdominal massages also relieve abdominal bloating (most often the result of excess fluids in the abdominal cavity). During a 2015 study, those receiving regular abdominal massages also reported reduced levels of depression and anxiety while their sense of well-being improved.

Uterine Massage Techniques Should Be Customized To The Patient

There is no one-size-fits-all choreography for abdominal massage. Instead, we listen carefully to our patients’ symptoms and concerns in addition to reviewing their medical history. Different symptoms or health issues require a focus on varying acupressure or meridian points. Once we comprehensively understand your current situation and health goals, we customize treatment recommendations accordingly. 

Are you interested in learning more about whether you’re a good candidate for Mayan abdominal massage? Schedule an appointment with Mitchell Family Acupuncture. If it feels like uterine massages would benefit you, we’ll incorporate them into your treatment plan and teach you how to perform a massage at home to give your body what it needs to heal consistently.