What Can Gua Sha Help With?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has multiple foundations; two of the most important are the essential need for balance and flow when it comes to well-being. Gua sha, a TCM healing modality standard, is practiced regularly in acupuncture clinics around the world.

Many of our patients have never heard of gua sha before and wonder what gua sha helps with. As with many of our services, the answer is “so many things!” Today, however, we want to introduce you to the concept and tell you more about the benefits of this ancient healing practice.

What Is Gua Sha?

The direct translation of the Chinese words gua and sha are “scraping” and “sand.” Some translate it as “scraping sand” due to the light, sand-like bruising that appears on a patient’s skin after the practitioner finishes. Others translate it as “scraping petechia” because petechia refers to the red, small spotted bruising. Still, others cut right to the chase and say it translates as “scraping away meridian stagnation.” While the latter may not be linguistically accurate, it best describes the process. 

During a gua sha session, patients lay on the table as if for a massage, and we rub a soothing massage oil onto their skin. Then, we use a thin-edged scraping tool, often made of stone, to scrape along the skin's surface and stimulate circulation in the outer muscle layers as well as the multiple layers of skin and fat tissue.

How Does Gua Sha Help?

As with acupuncture, moxibustion, and many other TCM healing techniques, gua sha’s primary goal is to release stagnancy and increase the flow of “chi” or life force in a person’s body. And, because the TCM model sees the mind-body-spirit as one, any increase in flow and balance in the body also benefits emotional well-being.

And, for anyone doubting the efficacy and scientific basis for gua sha, we invite you to read many Western medical information hubs, like Cleaveland Clinic, that support gua sha treatment. In fact, Cleveland Clinic reminds readers that the Western physical therapy world adopts similar practices (called the Graston Technique) to soothe injured muscles, promote muscle relaxation, and reduce scar tissue.

Gua Sha supports health and well-being in multiple ways

Our gua sha sessions support patients in several ways:

Increase circulation 

As you know from your basic life science classes, circulation has multiple purposes. Some of the most critical roles circulation plays are bringing essential things to the cells and removing toxins and dead cell material. Conversely, stagnant circulation means a decrease in oxygenation and an inability for the body to receive the nutrients it needs or shed the toxins it doesn’t. 

Move stagnant lymphatic fluid

Even in this “modern, 21st-century” era of medicine, physicians and scientists are still a bit miffed by the lymph system. We have general information about lymph nodes, and the lymph tracts (closely related to TCM’s meridians), but much of the lymph system function remains a mystery. We know that sluggish lymph drainage has negative impacts on the body, including lack of energy, inflammation, and more frequent illness. Gua sha stimulates lymph movement that helps rebalance the immune system response.

Stimulate the flow of Chi

Chi, or life force, is the subtle energy that makes us more than just a physical body. It flows with the breath, in the blood, with every beat of your heart, and in synchronization with nature. When your physical body is stagnant, the energy field is equally stagnant. Stimulating and freeing up stagnancy in the circulation system and throughout the body’s tissues allows chi to flow more seamlessly again.

Release, release, release

We work daily, using TCM for a variety of patients, with an emphasis placed on acupuncture for fertility and women’s overall health. We’ve seen over and over how gua sha and other stimulating healing modalities help women release the stagnant energy, emotion, trauma, and stories keeping them from having the full, heart-centered life they are meant to live. The process of stimulating flow and detoxing the body means the body gets to release all of the things its been storing unnecessarily.

Benefits of Gua Sha for Body, Mind, and Spirit

All of the above present the benefits of gua sha in a very general sense. Now, let’s dive deeper into the specifics of gua sha healing and its benefits for the body, mind, and spirit.

Reduced inflammation

Inflammation is both a root cause and a direct result of infections, disease, and poor health. It’s also 100% related to a patient's diet, which is why a first acupuncture or TCM appointment always includes a detailed review of diet and lifestyle choices.

Tissue and circulation stimulation from gua sha reduces inflammation, which positively impacts just about every aspect of physical health.

Improved reproductive health

It’s long proven that acupuncture and TCM modalities positively affect reproductive health and the uterus. Women who suffer from severe PMS find relief from gua sha treatments. Women in multiple studies reported improvements in common PMS symptoms or ailments, including:

  • More regular periods (which means more ovulation)

  • Fewer headaches/migraines

  • Improved energy levels

  • Reduced hot flashes

While we recommend gua sha for all patients interested in acupuncture for fertility, it’s an automatic treatment offering for those with PCOS or endometriosis. Both are leading causes of female infertility, and both often result in irregular periods and PMS symptoms relieved by gua sha.

Breast engorgement

It’s not uncommon for new mothers to experience breast engorgement during the first few postpartum weeks. Although it normally resolves on its own, engorged breasts cause latching issues and put women at risk for mastitis, both of which complicate breastfeeding. Gua sha reduces breast engorgement and supports postpartum restoration and comfort. 

While you’re seeing us for postpartum treatments, we’re also happy to share nutritional supplements and whole-food diets that support postpartum recovery and breastfeeding.

Migraines and neck pain

It makes perfect sense that a healing treatment supports flow and stagnation, relieves inflammation, also relieves migraine headaches and neck pain. Similarly, it helps patients with chronic sinus pain. Once circulation and energy flow are restored, all of the stuck and blocked energy and inflammation leading to headaches and neck/back pain is moved out of the body.

Schedule An Appointment to Discuss How TCM & Gua Sha Can Help You

Would you like to learn more about how restoring energy flow and balance in the body can support your overall well-being? Schedule your first appointment with Mitchell Family Acupuncture. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about gua sha and would only suggest it if it feels like the right fit for your experience. Our incredible team of heart-centered practitioners get to know every one of our patients and their needs, customizing treatment plans accordingly.