Mothering as Metaphor

By Kaya Midlin, Vedic Educator, Yoga Therapist and Teacher’s Teacher

A mother loves all of her children. But when one is in need of her attention, her love, her care... she tends to that one. •

Yes. All lives matter, true. But #blacklivesmatter is a call to attention {if you had not been already paying attention for all these years and generations!} to tend to that which needs tending to. It is a call to uprise, uplift, re-calibrate what has been long distorted. •

The mother knows all children matter but she tends to the one who is in pain... and she even calls on the other children to tend to the one in pain as well. Be a mother. Be a carer. Be a responsible and rightful person. When a child is bleeding or sad or exhausted does the mother say, “I can’t help you because all my children matter and it takes my attention from the other child”, no. A mother tends to that which she is being called to do. •

Tend to the circumstance at hand that is calling your attention. This is how to be a rightful contributor to the family, the community, the world. Tend to what matters. •

Some mothers are born mothers. Some learn. If you are just catching up with what it means to tend to the world or the community, fine. Do the work you need to do to catch up and participate. Don’t apologize, don’t try to be perfect, just get on with it. If you have been at this for some time, pass the torch when you need. Tend to yourself when you are the one in need of tending to. We need you full. •